Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cañón del Sumidero

Over an hour away from San Cristobal lies a very well known tourist attraction: some nice canyon in which you take a boat ride to enjoy seeing the water, some birds and an occasional crocodile. One great thing about a crocodile here is that the Spani word is cocodrilo, which I personally like a lot :)
One cocodrilo lazing in the sun
The trip itself is quite nice but not too exciting. Perhaps I've been to too many boat rides and many of them had a much nicer background. Allowing swimming in the river to cool down from the heat and cleaning the huge loads of trash from the river bank could definitely have raised the bar here. Amazing that something designated as a national park (or whatever the term is - they charge money for entrance) is so horribly dirty with trash that has obviously been there for a long while.
Not much current in the river but the life jackets make it look adventurous

One Frognector appreciating the view

One pelican who couldn't care less

1 comment:

  1. Cocodrillo and pelican! OK, I want to go there too. Yalla San Christobal and Chiapas.
