Our time in Amman, capital of Jordan, has been nothing less than fantastic and most of it due to our lovely host Mo(hammed) that is a talented artist currently working as a graphic designer. He is Palestinian that has lived many years in Egypt and his family originally from Tul-Karem. We've had lots of fun talking to him, especially considering the fact he comes from a very different culture to ours. The fact people have different cultures and different customs shouldn't stop them from becoming friends and I'm really glad we got to meet Mo and befriend him.
Jordan is surely more brushed up than Egypt. The food is better and it altogether seems more upscale and somewhat more organized. Perhaps it's just my impression and perhaps there's no real place comparing the two neighboring countries anyway.
At the last hours in Amman, before taking the flight out to India, we met up with Layla. She's a cool Jordanian I've met for a few hours some years ago in London. It's been so much fun hanging out with her and the conversation never stopped for a second. She also showed us a very different side of Amman than the one we've seen walking around the city center with Mo.
In short, we'll be back to further explore Jordan another time. Seems we've scratched the tip of the iceberg and that it's a fascinating country to explore.
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