Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Next flight: Amman, Jordan to Mumbai, India

The vacation in Israel has lasted more than initially planned. It was definitely a good idea to come here, attend 4 festivals, meet friends and family and spend time with loved and important people. But convenience is also how we get stuck doing things that are good but not awesome, so it's time to embark again.

As this time I'm looking for a place where I'd be able to quietly work most of the day, India seems like a fun and remote place to be in. I've previously spent 6 months there and didn't imagine I'd go back anytime soon. It's surely not one of the easiest countries to travel in as many times the local population is way too eager to communicate with any person who doesn't look local. It's fun at first but at times gets quite annoying. Now, however, I know what I'm getting myself into so I'm sure it'll be easier than the first time.

So currently the plan is to leave Israel via land towards Jordan and spent a few days there and head on to Mumbai, India. In India, as the weather should have it, it would probably make sense to head south. How about Hampi? Here are some pictures from the previous time I've been there.